Special Populations Collaborative

Effective Practices for Limited English Proficient Students

Taft College Bilingual Vocational Education and Support

Title: Bilingual Vocational Education and Support

College: Taft College

College Contact: Dr. John D. Eigenauer

29 Emmons Park Dr, Taft, CA 93268

661.763.7722; jeigenauer@yahoo.com

Description: This practice is designed to provide viable career opportunities to students of limited English capabilities, and to provide these same students with opportunities for successful college experiences that will inspire students to learn English and continue their education. The practice targets five significant obstacles inhibiting college level participation of students of limited English proficiency:

The English language


Child care

Social inhibitions

Limited access to and capabilities with computer technology

Solutions to each of the four difficulties listed above are, in order:

Provide in class bilingual translators in Welding, Automotive Technology, and Early Childhood Education.

 Provide busing from outlying communities three nights per week.

Provide child care until 10:00 PM at Taft College’s child care center.

Provide help with enrollment, social integration, book purchases, and other aspects of campus life.

Provide community service classes taught in the Spanish language in computer technology.

The program is staffed by Bilingual translators in Welding, Automotive Technology, and Early Childhood Education, a Bus driver, Childcare workers (already in place), a Bilingual counselor (already in place), a Bilingual teacher for community service classes.

The practice makes use of:

Headphones for in class translations during lectures.

Translation software.

Some Spanish language books (where available) to be used as supplements.

The program has been funded by VTEA, Verizon Foundation and Housing and Urban Development grants, and local sources. No formal marketing practices were used. Students commonly spoke to friends, who shared their enthusiasm for the program with others. There is considerable anecdotal evidence that suggests that students with limited English proficiency are progressing in their abilities with English, advancing to more difficult courses, and finding jobs.

Program implementers recommend that to replicate the practice, other colleges should start by targeting one course or one discipline in a vocational area and fund a bilingual in-class translator.