Special Populations Collaborative

Economically Disadvantaged/All Special Populations

Columbia College, “House Calls” Program

The Career Technical Education classes at Columbia College have recruited a cadre of academic faculty members from the mathematics, English and computer science departments to make “house calls” to the CTE classes. House Calls are customized and contextualized lessons that can be tailored to meet the needs of most units of study or projects within CTE courses. Faculty members are given stipends from Perkins and/or basic skills funds. In this way academics are more fully integrated into the CTE curriculum.

English House Calls are prepared to assist by…
    Facilitating a "Nuts and Bolts" of college writing tailored to specific discipline
    Facilitating a "contextualized" writing workshop
    Reading and writing mini lessons within your discipline

Math House Calls are prepared to assist by helping your students…
    Learn problem solving techniques
    Understand and apply formulas commonly used in your area
    Convert units of measure
    Work effectively with ratio and proportions (including percentages)
    Make contact with friendly campus resources (even if they are not in a Math class)

Computer House Calls are prepared to provide customized lessons in the following…
    You and your USB Drive: How to Save and Organize Files
    Formatting Class Reports in Microsoft Word (tailored to instructor requirements)
    Student Email Accounts: Activation, Basic Functions, Etiquette
    Sorting and Filtering Access Databases (tailored to course activities)
    On Demand Basic Computer Skills (As required within discipline-tailored to course activities)

For more information contact: Chris Vitelli at vitellic@yosemite.edu